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Injectable Hormone Therapy

NOTA: por el momento, solo enviamos a todo México y USA, debido a que las aduanas internacionales se encuentran muy estrictas y lentas ahora, debido a la reciente situación del COVID-19.
NOTE: We only offer shipping only for all Mexico and USA, Its because the recently situation about COVID-19, the international customs are very strict by now.
We only distributed our products in latino america under your own risk or your physican medic recomendation, We don´t sell for recreational use or for other purposes that is not for only hormonal therapy. USA laws forbbiden the free selling only with if you have an official doctor prescription, that way you can contact with your trusty dealer.
Solo distribuimos nuestros productos en América Latina bajo su propio riesgo o la recomendación de su médico físico. No vendemos para uso recreativo ni para otros fines que no sean solo para terapia hormonal. Las leyes de EE. UU. Prohíben la venta gratuita solo con una receta que pueda contactar con su distribuidor de confianza.
Caution: Some countries requires a medical prescription to be dispensed
This WebSite is for an informative use, we only recommend the use of these products for hormonal therapy or hormonal replacement, we do not sell for recreational using.
We stock only the highest quality products because we are one respected manufacturer in America. All products are installed by a team of fully trained chemical engineers. Contact us now for a quote >>
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